Queen's Gate Prep School Girls

Junior School Pastoral Care

In keeping with our whole-school ethos, at Queen’s Gate Junior School we are renowned for our exceptional pastoral care. We understand that the wellbeing of our girls is fundamental to their school experiences, their ability to make strong academic and personal progress, and their readiness for the future.

Queen’s Gate Junior School is small in size, with just one class for each year from Reception to Year 5, enabling us to give our pupils a great deal of individual attention. Our family ethos ensures that each child is valued and nurtured; support and extension derive naturally from the close relationships that are built.

Queen’s Gate has access to two private green spaces at Stanhope and Queen’s Gate Gardens. Girls enjoy daily fresh air and a chance to run around during break time. Our co-curricular programme provides rich opportunities for happiness and collaboration whether it be through dance, food technology, mindfulness or art.

House System

Our House system enables us to provide an additional support network based on vertical integration within the School.

Membership of Victoria and Elizabeth Houses provides the opportunity for older and younger girls to collaborate closely and fosters healthy competition at events such as Sports Day, our Recycled Fashion Show, and our Christmastime ‘Winter Olympics’. This eclectic range of activities allows all girls to find their moment to shine. The Houses are led by two Year 6 House Captains, and House spirit is fierce – as anyone who has heard the cheering at the Swimming Gala will confirm.

Celebrations of Success

Personal success is celebrated on a regular basis, and the annual celebration of the year event provides the opportunity for parents to share in our girls’ achievements.

‘Merits’ are highly-valued rewards and are awarded not only for excellence but also for effort and kindness. Our twice-weekly assemblies provide another opportunity to promote achievement, whether that’s through our ‘Sports Star of the Week’ certificates, or by announcing that a pupil has won a competition outside of school. Each term ends with two special assemblies, one dedicated the awarding of sports certificates and colours, and the other to the girls’ other successes. Academic certificates and prizes are awarded both for attainment and progress, to ensure all girls feel valued and celebrated as learners.


Queen’s Gate Junior School girls are happy and self-reflective. Our Character Education programme celebrates a different character virtue each half-term, such as kindness and courage. Character Education is further developed and promoted through our assembly topics, which regularly consider values such as kindness, inclusion, courage and charitable giving.

The promotion of wellbeing and positive emotional and mental health underpins every decision we make at Queen’s Gate Junior School. Our specialist PSHE programme is designed to support the girls at every step of their journey through childhood and prepare them for the years to come. Being part of a through-school, we have the particular advantage of being able to liaise with colleagues in the Senior School and use their experiences to inform what we are delivering to our Junior School pupils, so they are as ready as possible for their teenage years. As well as regular PSHE lessons, we also enjoy an annual Wellbeing Week, individual ‘drop down’ days with outside specialists and regularly touch on the theme of wellbeing in our assemblies.

Our Relationships and Sex Education Programme is delivered as part of our PSHE provision. These lessons have been carefully designed to be fully age appropriate, while ensuring our girls are gaining the knowledge and understanding they need. Parents are always provided with full information ahead of any RSE lessons, and are given the opportunity to discuss the content with staff in advance.

That partnership with parents is something we develop further through our schedule of engaging and thought-provoking termly workshops. Parent feedback on topics they would like us to cover is always warmly welcomed.

Open Events

Junior School Spring Term Open Morning

Please click here to register for our next Open Morning which takes place on Monday 31 March 2025 at 9.15am


Senior School Summer Term Open Evening

Please click here to register for our next Open Evening which takes place on Thursday 24 April 2025 at 5.30pm