Queen's Gate Junior School girls in Queen's Gate Gardens


At Queen’s Gate Safeguarding is seen as everyone’s responsibility. Staff and governors keep safeguarding and pupil welfare at the heart of all decision making, while pupils are provided with age-appropriate teaching about safeguarding so that they can protect both themselves and their peers.

New staff receive appropriate safeguarding training as part of their induction, as well as attending annual training to keep staff fully updated and aware of their responsibilities.

Our safeguarding work is wide-ranging, and can include supporting pupils with specific mental health issues, responding to issues such as breakdowns in family relationships and developing pupil awareness around personal safety.  Our overall attitude is always that ‘it could happen here’, and we are proud of the way we have been able to provide sensitive, patient and well-informed support to girls and their families experiencing unexpected and significant challenges.

Safeguarding Leadership

Our highly qualified DSL team complete regular training to meet regulatory requirements, as well as availing themselves of a range of other resources to remain abreast of emerging issues and/or key changes.

The Designated Safeguarding Leads undertake impromptu safeguarding walks to ensure that the school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is being followed. Any issues that arise are recorded and addressed.

Should you have a concern about one of our pupils, or wish to get in touch with one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads, they can be emailed directly at safeguarding@queensgate.org.uk

Site Security and Pupil Safety

Queen’s Gate maintains a rigorous approach in terms of Safer Recruitment, ensuring all regulatory checks are undertaken for new staff, governors and volunteers.  Visitors to the school are required to sign in on the InVentry system and should expect to be accompanied at all times.

DSL team

Open Events

Junior School Spring Term Open Morning

Please click here to register for our next Open Morning which takes place on Monday 31 March 2025 at 9.15am


Senior School Summer Term Open Evening

Please click here to register for our next Open Evening which takes place on Thursday 24 April 2025 at 5.30pm