Queen’s Gate is enormously grateful for the generous and loyal support of our alumnae, current and former parents and other friends of the school. Together, they have enabled the completion of many significant projects that have contributed to the ongoing development and success of the school over the past 130 years.
As we look to the School’s needs today and over the coming years, we continue to welcome donations and support towards two key campaigns.
Window to her Future is dedicated to increasing bursarial provision at Queen’s Gate, so that we can offer the gift of our education to more girls for whom it might otherwise be out of reach.
The Queen’s Gate Development Fund seeks to raise funds to facilitate the refurbishment of the interiors of our buildings, as we seek to create a world-class learning environment for our girls.
Whether you are a QG Old Girl, current pupil or parent, former parent, former staff member, corporate connection or other, and who would like to support the work of the above campaigns, whether by donating, giving your time or sharing your expertise with us, we would love to hear from you.
Support Queen’s Gate
For more information, please contact the External Relations Department on 020 7761 0309 or email us at alumnae@queensgate.org.uk.